Wednesday, February 24, 2010


me and my amazing husband max FINALLY got into the doctor for the first time!! its been a really hard, frustrating, emotionally, and just flat out crappy journey.. first of all i found out i was pregnant december seventh, being really new to the monterey area and knowing close to NO one here, or where ANYTHING was around here, it set us back awhile before we even found a obgyn. but once we did i went in the very next day to fill out paper work and get an appointment set up.. it was about a three week wait before i could get in but i was willing to wait. the night before the appointment max told me there would be no way he will be able to get out of class to go, so i had to cancel and make a new appoinment for a later time. i got the appoinment for 3:30 so max only had to get permission to miss his after noon P.T. . he was able to get out of it and everything was going smooth at this time i think i was about ten weeks along. we were both so excited to see the baby and hear the heart beat, i couldnt even sleep that night! the day of our first official appointment i got all ready and drove over to pick up max from class while i was waiting for him in the parking lot, i got a call from the dr. office saying the doctor was in delivery and that i would have to reschedule. being confused and devistated and way overly emotional, i had max call them back to reschedule and the earliest they could get us in was two and a half weeks from that day!! i couldnt believe after cancelling on me they would make me wait so long but we made the appointment and waited. finally the day of our second official appointment i again got all ready very anxious and excited, and on my way over to get max i checked the voicemails on my phone and sure enough there was one from the dr. office cancelling AGAIN!!!!! due to the dr being in surgery! this time i didnt get as upset or cry because i guess it didnt surprise me! but at this time i think i was about fourteen weeks. well i called her back pretty pissed off and said when can you get me in i need to be seen ASAP i think i am about thirteen weeks pregnant and i want to know that everything is okay!! she again made me wait two weeks but finally FINALLY yesterday the day of my appointment we got in without them cancelling YAY!! i was so nervous and anxious i couldnt believe it was actually happening. they took me back to do all the weighing and peeing in the cup, i have actually lost six pounds since ive been pregnant which really scared me but they say thats normal. then max was able to come in the room with me which made me feel better and because i am a slacker and have never had a pap test done before i had to do it there and then. it wasnt that horrible but definantly not the most comfortable thing ever. the doctor came in introduced himself and then sad spread your legs, ha he really did, and i almost giggled but then i felt all the weird unpleasant pressure.... OKAY enough with that.. after that the dr. put the gel on my belly put the ultrasound thingy on my belly and instantly our little baby popped up on the big screen tv. i just started to squil, and i couldnt stop. it was the most AMAZING thing and at that moment i actually felt pregnant and not just crappy feeling. i was in shock it had been soo long to be pregnant without actual evidence of the baby that i was starting to question if i was even preggo any more. at first it was a side profile view of our little thing and then it turned its head looking right at us and then threw both of its arms up in the air looking like it was waving ha! it was weird to see it moving around and not being able to feel it move. he told us he doesnt like telling his patience what they are having until twenty weeks but he said as of right now it looks like a BOY!! and our next appointment ill be able to tell you for sure! he did a whole bunch of measuring to find out exactly how far along i actually was. comes to find out i am sixteen weeks pregnant with the due date of AUGUST,10,2010!!! then he printed out some pictures for us they arent that great because the baby got camera shy and fliped its face and head down but ill try and get them posted!! he said everything was going great he can tell its going to be a big healthy baby because i guess my uterus is really big and the baby is already a little big for its age(at first i just thought oh no big baby = pain, but then i was so relieved that we are going to have a healthy little chunk). then he listened to the baby's heart beat and that was so cool, everything made me very emotional but i was able to contain it. all last night i was in shock and felt like we just got the news of being pregnant, im so happy it feels real now and cant wait until our next appointment!!

Monday, February 1, 2010


well i must brag! i have the most awesome husband! not only does he take care of me and treat my like a queen! he is such a hard worker and so stinking smart!!! a couple days ago max got up at four in the morning to go to P.T. and run four or five miles..just like everyday, but after pt there was a meeting i think it was a safety breif they do every week before the weekend for everyone in his company, around 300 people...well while max was sitting there while they went threw the lecture on not beating your wife,not beating your dog, not beating your kids,not beating your neighbors kids, or your neighbors wife..yadda yadda ya...the leutenant curnal (which to my understanding is a man ranked way up there!) got up and called out private max miller and three other guys's names to come up to the front. at this point max didnt know what was happening and he was trying to figure out what he did wrong. and thats a man you dont want to get mad. so he walked up there and the man announced that those four guys were being recognized on there hard work and how extremely well they were picking up on the language.. four guys out of 300 or more all learning a language, my husband is doing so awesome he is standing out of 300 people!! im so proud!! im not exactly sure what all was said because unfortunantly i wasnt there. but later on that day the seargent in his class brought him a printed out email of how the leutenant colonel got the message that max was doing out standing.. here it is...

good morning
i would like to bring to your attention that i attended teaching on jan,27,2010 yesterday and i was amazed by students task accomplishment. we worked on vocabulary and asked them to write meaningful sentences or a paragraph, then present them to the class. and at the end , i wanted them to rewrite and them to me. they all did a great job ( i will give you a copy of their work). i have to mention that the leadership of ssgt jessica orr and her classmates Pv1 Miller, Nissly, Reed, Shepard have shown their interest and hard work towards learning farsi. i am proud to be their teacher and able to serve them in my best ability.
Best regards
here is the LTC, response

thank you very much. it is not often that we get reports of student success. most of the student issues that i deal with are negative. i appreciate that you took the time to recognize the efforts made by our students.

then he recognized them the very next day!! How awesome!! im so proud of him and i KNOW he is going to go far in life!!! he amazes me everyday. and i love him soooo much! he is my HERO!!!!